I could not decide which blog site to put this post on. Somehow it did not seem right for my main blog site that is mostly genealogy. But there is a bit of Serendipity in the story even though it is perhaps a bit odd.
I shopped at Kroger very early on Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I didn't need much. I just had forgotten a few items that I could have probably done without. And as I found myself about two thirds of the way through the store almost to the frozen section, I saw two nice looking men who said just as I passed them: Are you going deer hunting? These men were not model attractive. They were solid nice looking, normal men. And I passed on by to pick up some cream cheese and some half and half and another item or two. As I came back,..... I wanted to look at candles on the same aisle that they were still on.... chatting a bit. And I could not help myself. I said as I passed them: " I don't think that I could live in a place that didn't have men talking about hunting"! and they laughed appreciatively and said indeed that was exactly what they were doing. They were even sharing photos on their phones.
And I meant what I said. I love living in WV where one is constantly reminded of the men and women who settled here that are my ancestors. I could not let loose of the ties to men who wielded guns and hunted to feed their families or to protect them in some instances....and women who probably did the same....