Mary's twins were born December 2017 and I flew all night to get there for the birth on December 23rd.

I spent most of January with Mary and Alberto and Jack and Galileo. Two of our most entertaining events were the time spent getting the twins official papers as both Peruvian citizens and American citizens.
My time was cut short by the death of my mother-in-law, Sue Harris Moses. I flew back to be part of the funeral gathering. Sue's quality of life had greatly deteriorated after she passed the 95 year mark, so it was more of a celebration of her life than a sad event. And grandchildren flew in from all over the map. I was so glad to be a part of spending time with all of these very special people.
I wish that I had thought to get a photo of the family that was really fun spending quality time with Sue's wonderful family! I did do a blog post at the time that has photos of Sue:
In march I traveled to Boston for Rudy's birthday. That has become something that I do every year. Even the drive was specially fun in spite of the fact that I drove up in a snow storm so big that "they" gave it a name"....and then drove back in a second snow storm. I had a huge genealogy day in Berks County, Pennsylvania where I would not have even visited this trip except that the snow kept me from taking the more northern route. Serendipity at its finest!
Quality time with Rudy included time at the library gaming with the other kids after school:

Katie and Joel attended a Chrysler Meeting and I was soooooo lucky that I had the opportunity to take the Goldy Girls and Harper's good buddy, Rachel Oxley, to Columbus for a Cheer event. Ellie is HUGE into Cheer with Amp here in Huntington. From left to right: Rachel, Harper, Ellie.

Mia, and Kya.

And another piece of Serendipity....the darling restaurant that I had googled turned out to be in the parking lot of the motel that Katie had booked. Photos taken at the restaurant that took such nice care of us.
In June Jason, Katie, and I took all of their kids to Vermont via train. We stopped in Philadelphia for two nights to do Historical tours. Then spent the weekend in Burlington to celebrate the finish of Sarah's four years in residency at the University of Vermont. We all flew home at the end of the weekend! But the train ride was fun.

Perhaps the kid's favorite event in Philly was the "Rocky Steps"!

Doctor Moses:

July I headed back to Peru for Jack and Galileo's baptism....

and stayed long enough to be present for the soft opening of Mercado 28. Finally after many years of hard work, Mary realized her dream of opening a market in Lima. I had a wonderful time celebrating with Mary and her partners what was an amazingly successful evening!

In August Sarah came for a visit as she had a bit of time off between Vermont and her new job. One of the highlights was spending time with the Goldy family at Flat Top:

The fall brought band season for Eowyn and Homecoming and new learner's permit:

Along with Halloween:
And finally in November I drove to Buffalo to meet Sarah, Rudy and Michael for Rudy's Hockey tournament. 

The below photo is Sarah and me and Susan (One of Rudy's coach's Mom). Rudy is lucky enough to have a newly retired NHL player as one of his coaches so Susan was particularly fun to sit with as she actually knows something about the game from having watched her son through his growing up and then as a professional player for many years.
I wrote several blog posts about this trip. One is below:
Now I am looking forward to the holiday season. Mary and her group are coming for two weeks for the holiday and Sarah is going to come for New Years'. Fun stuff!
I just couldn't stand to not add a few December photos ....
Mary's family at Mercado No28...(her market in Lima)

Rudy in his helmet that he received for being MVP at his last hockey game. He scored two goals in
the game!

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